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第81页 (第1/2页)
夜晚,路灯下的贝拉库拉港、装卸码头上。 装卸场在一个台阶下面。在项目经理格登和工头鲍勃的指挥下,工人们将一个个箱子从卡车上搬下,运送到码头前堆放,准备装船。 码头旁边的停车场,几辆小车开来,戴安、菲尔、辛笛儿、雪丽等人下车,跑下台阶,进入装卸场。 格登和鲍勃看见他们,上前来阻拦。 格登:Hey, hey, hey! Just stay out of the w area! (喂喂喂,你们不许到工作地段来!) 众人没有理会格登和鲍勃,走进码头工作地段,拦在中间。工人们工作不便,只好停止搬运。 格登拿出手机拨打:Please send a group of security guards here. Some uified people are blog our work. (请派一个保安小组过来。一些不明身份的人阻碍了我们的工作。) 几名保安跑步过来。 保安甲:Please leave at ohis is private property and yoursquo;re not allowed to trespass. (请马上离开。这是私人财产,你们不得进入。) 戴安:Sir, do you know what they are doing Theyrsquoing to log the Great Bear Rai. They are destroying our precious natural legacy! Just think about it. (先生,你知道他们要去干什么吗?他们要去砍伐大熊雨林。他们在破坏我们宝贵的自然遗产!好好想想吧。) 保安甲:You may be right, Miss. But thatrsquo;s not my business. Please go and talk this to the Gover. Let me tell you what, Miss. My job is to assure work in the harbour not disrupted by any irrelevant people. (你可能是对的,小姐。但这不关我的事。请去向政府谈这件事。告诉你,小姐,我的工作是保证港口的秩序不受任何无关人员干扰。) 保安贴近众人,逼迫众人离开。 戴安:We leave! (我们走!) 众人步步后退,保安步步进逼。众人退上台阶。在台阶顶上,亚当斯停住不动。保安贴近他。 亚当斯高声:We stop! This is the public place. (我们停下。这是公共的地方。) 众人停步。保安贴近他们站住,不再进逼,也不离去。 工人们继续搬运箱子。 雪丽扭头张望。她旁边是一个花圃台子。她转身跳上台子。保安追过来,伸手要抓她。 雪丽指着保安:Donrsquo;t touch me! Otherwise Irsquo;m gonna sue you. (别碰我!否则我要告你!) 保安收手,站在台子下,守着雪丽。 雪丽高声:My dear friends, just think about a big family. Mom was breeding, feeding and proteg the brothers and sisters. At the beginning, the siblings were getting along well and the big family was living in harmony and happinesshellip;(亲爱的朋友们,请想象一个大家庭。母亲养育和保护着家里的兄弟姐妹们。开始的时候,兄弟姐妹们相亲相爱,大家庭生活和睦、幸福美满hellip;hellip;) 随着雪丽的演讲,人们仿佛看到了美丽而安详的原始森林hellip;hellip