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Glossary (第9/27页)
prosing. drap, drop. draunting, tedious. dree, endure, suffer. dreigh, v. dreight. dribble, drizzle. driddle, to toddle. dreigh, tedious, dull. droddum, the breech. drone, part of the bagpipe. droop-rumpl't, short-rumped. drouk, to wet, to drench. droukit, wetted. drouth, thirst. drouthy, thirsty. druken, dru, drunken. drumlie, muddy, turbid. drummock, raw meal and cold water. drunt, the huff. dry, thirsty. dub, puddle, slush. duddie, ragged. duddies, dim. of duds, rags. duds, rags, clothes. dung, v. dang. duhrobbed, beat. dunts, blows. durk, dirk. dusht, pushed or thrown down violently. dwalling, dwelling. dwalt, dwelt. dyke, a fence (of stone or turf), a wall. dyvor, a bankrupt. ear', early. earn, eagle. eastliern. e'e, eye. e'ebrie, eyebrow. een, eyes. e'en, even. e'en, evening. e'enin', evening. e'er, ever. eerie, apprehensive; inspiring ghostly fear. eild, eld. eke, also. elbuck, elbow. eldritch, uhly, haunted, fearsome. elekit, elected. ell (scots), thirty-seven inches. eller, elder. en', end. eneugh, enough. enfauld, infold. enow, enough. erse, gaelic. ether-stane, adder-stone. ettle, aim. evermair, evermore. ev'n down, dht, positive. eydent, diligent. fa', fall. fa', lot, portion. fa', to get; suit; claim. faddom'd, fathomed. fae, foe. faem, foam. faiket, let off, excused. fain, fond, glad. fainness, fondness. fair fa', good befall! wele. fairin., a present from a fair. fallow, fellow. fa'n, fallen. fand, found. far-aff, far-off. farls, oat-cakes. fash, annoyance. fash, to trouble; worry. fash'd, fash't, bothered; irked. fashious, troubl