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Glossary (第8/27页)
addie, father. daez't, dazed. daffin, larking, fun. daft, mad, foolish. dails, planks. daimen icker, an odd ear of . dam, pent-up water, urine. damie, dim. of dame. dang, pret. of ding. danton, v. daunton. darena, dare not. darg, labor, task, a day's work. darklins, in the dark. daud, a large piece. daud, to pelt. daunder, saunter. daunton, to daunt. daur, dare. daurna, dare not. daur't, dared. daut, dawte, to fondle. daviely, spiritless. daw, to dawn. dawds, lumps. dawtingly, prettily, caressingly. dead, death. dead-sweer, extremely relut. deave, to deafen. deil, devil. deil-haet, nothing (devil have it). deil-ma-care, devil may care. deleeret, delirious, mad. delvin, digging. dern'd, hid. descrive, to describe. deuk, duck. devel, a stunning blow. diddle, to move quickly. dight, to wipe. dight, winnowed, sifted. din, dun, muddy of plexion. ding, to beat, to surpass. dink, trim. dinna, do not. dirl, to vibrate, t. diz'n, dizzen, dozen. dochter, daughter. doited, muddled, doting; stupid, bewildered. donsie, vicious, bad-tempered; restive; testy. dool, wo, sorrow. doolfu', doleful, woful. dorty, pettish. douce, douse, sedate, sober, prudent. douce, doucely, dousely, sedately, prudently. doudl'd, dandled. dought (pret. of dow), could. douked, ducked. doup, the bottom. doup-skelper, bottom-smacker. dour-doure, stubborn, obstinate; cutting. dow, dowe, am (is or are) able, . dow, a dove. dowf, dowff, dull. dowie, drooping, mournful. dowilie, drooping. downa, ot. downa-do (ot do), lack of power. doylt, stupid, stupefied. doytin, d., dozen'd, torpid. dozin, torpid. draigl't, draggled. drant,