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Origin 01 (第5/6页)
e of artificial intelligence, spending a few years learning the basics is outdated, In the future, your learning topic is how to solve er problems and crisis ma in each sales process. then, Boss Bryany took out 3 pairs of transparent wooden rimless smart gsses from the transparent wooden dispy et and said: You should take good care of your "smart gsses", "Smart gsses" will ect to the exclusive smart cloud without diamonds in real time, For the diamonds pced in the transparent dispy case, the intelligent cloud will automatically update the description and sales price. half an hour, Cora raised her right hand and asked again: Boss, how do I introduce blood diamonds, heart diamonds, Boss Bryany said with a smile: ers will specify, Elsie standing on the right raised her hand and asked: Boss, blood diamonds and heart diamonds are also 10% of the sales, Boss Bryany smiled and nodded, Standing in the middle, Nicole raised his hand and asked: Boss, the blood diamond and the heart diamond are gss diamond dispys. What if the er wants to do it? Owner Bryany smiled and said: After the er fills in the tract paper below the blood diamond and the heart diamond, the blood diamond and the heart diamond be taken away. Then you s and input the tent of the tract paper into the exclusive intelligent cloud without diamonds,