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White Soy Milk Mask (第5/6页)
and the robot dog is gone After a quarter of an hour, Monkey Bao put on smart gsses and watched the wedding process recorded st night, Only then did the beauty take the transparent wooden ring as her own, half an hour, Bao ordered the "beetle-like intelligent reaissance aircraft" to enter the mansion, I saw the beautiful woman holding the transparent wooden ring, stantly rubbing it from side to side, Suddenly I heard a woman say from behind: Daughter, why didn&039; t you take the monkey bag back and torture it? be silent for a moment, The beauty nodded and said, "Okay, Then the woman turned her head and said, "Old man, go out and get the monkey bag back. I saw a man with a ft head turned into a chimpanzee, opened the door, and stepped out, see, The baobab got up and ran to the forest, hiding in the dense branches of a tall tree, After a quarter of an hour, I saw the chimpanzees kept walking back and forth under the tall tree, The monkey bag was too frightened to breathe loudly, until evening, The chimpanzee relutly went deep into the forest, at this time, The monkey bag looked at the picture of the "smart gsses" with both eyes, I saw the woman preparing dinner in the kit saying: Daughter, time is running out, we are only temporarily helping take care of the house, When the old man and his family e back from vacation tomorrow, we must leave