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历史时刻意味着建立一个统一国家的重要一步。) 乘客乙:But I donrsquo;t think Mr. Smith aplished this historical moment in one blow. (但我认为,这个重要的历史时刻,史密斯先生并没有一锤定音rdquo;。) 列车员:Sir, you must be really good at Social Study. Yes, you are right. Mr. Smith didnrsquo;t make history in one blow. Being a trader first and politi later but not a tracklayer, Mr. Smithrsquo;s first attempt bent the spike badly and it had to be replaced. However, his sed attempt succeeded and drove the last spike home. (先生,你上学时社会学一定学得不错。你说的不错,史密斯先生并没有一锤就创造了历史。他是一个商人和政治家,并非铺轨工人,史密斯先生的第一锤严重砸弯了枕钉,以至于不得不换一颗。不过他的第二锤成功地将最后一颗枕钉锤进枕木去了。) 乘客丙:Is this last spike preserved (这最后一颗枕钉还在吗?) 列车员:No, it was not. But the bent sedtolast spike is. The Smith family retaihat spike and prese to adarsquo;s National Museum of Sd Teology 100 years later. (不,不在了。但是,那颗弯曲了的、倒数第二颗枕钉被史密斯先生的家人保留了。100年后,他们将它捐给了加拿大科学技术博物馆收藏。) 列车员走到辛笛儿跟前,问:Miss, where are you from (小姐请问是哪里人?) 辛笛儿:I am from a. (我是中国人。) 列车员跟辛笛儿握手,接着道:I am so proud and so sad to talk about the ese workers who took part in stru of the railway. Their totally number was more than 10,000, and about 4,000 of which died in the ordeal. They lived in substandard facilities and worked the most dangerous jobs. Their tribution to our try was unique and roud of them. (谈起当年参加铁路建设的中国工人,我既感到非常骄傲,同时也非常伤心。中国工人的总数超过一万人,其中大约4千人死于非命。他们生活在艰苦的条件下,干的却是最危险的活。他们对我们国家的贡献是无法替代的,我为他们感到骄傲。) 火车窗外景物,最后一颗枕钉的纪念碑、等建筑。这是加拿大太平洋铁路最后一颗枕钉的位置。 列车员:Now, we are crossing the Eagle Pass and then the famers Passhellip;(现在,我们正朝鹰通道和罗杰士通道开去hellip;hellip;) 温哥华布拉德入口海湾(Burrard I)、本纳比海边公园(Marine Park)。海湾风光,游船,岸边沙滩上戏水的儿童,林间空地上烧烤的人们。