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Prologue (第2/2页)
ild shakespeare into plan, and harley rouses all the god in man. when well-form'd taste and sparkling wit unite with manly lore, or female beauty bright, (beauty, where faultless symmetry and grace only charm us in the sed place), witness my heart, how oft with panting fear, as on this night, i've met these judges here! but still the hope experieaught to live, equal to judge—you're did tive. no hundred—headed riot here we meet, with ded law beh his feet; nor insolence assumes fair freedom's name: like caledonians, you applaud or blame. o thou, dread power! whose empire-giving hand has oft been stretch'd to shield the honour'd land! strong may she glow with all her a fire; may every son be worthy of his sire; firm may she rise, with generous disdain at tyranny's, or direr pleasure's ; still self-depe in her native shore, bold may she brave grim danger's loudest roar, till fate the curtain drop on worlds to be no more.