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A Winter Nigh (第2/3页)
sore on you beats! now phoebe in her midnight reign, dark-muff'd, view'd the dreary plain; still crowding thoughts, a perain, rose in my soul, when on my ear this plarain, slow, solemn, stole:— “blow, blow, ye winds, with heavier gust! and freeze, thou bitter-biting frost! desd, ye chilly, sm snows! not all ye, as now united, shows more hard unkindness uing, vengeful malirepenting. than heaven-illumin'd man on brother maows! “see stern oppression's iron grip, or mad ambition's gory hand, sending, like blood-hounds from the slip, woe, want, and murder o'er a land! ev'n in the peaceful rural vale, truth, weeping, tells the mournful tale, hoer'd luxury, flatt'ry by her side, the parasite empoisoning her ear, with all the servile wretches in the rear, looks o'er proud property, extended wide; and eyes the simple, rustid, whose toil upholds the glitt'ring show— a creature of another kind, some coarser substance, unrefin'd— plac'd for her lordly use thus far, thus vile, below! “where, where is love's fond, tehroe, with lordly honour's lofty brow, the pow'rs you proudly own? is there, beh love's noble name, harbour, dark, the selfish aim, to bless himself