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03 医疗保健 (第3/7页)
dical record 病历卡;病史档案 小贴士 1. which department do you want tister with? 您要挂哪个科室的号? 2. have you got a registration card? 您有诊疗卡吗? 3. do you have medie insurance? or will you pay for this yourself? 您有医疗保险吗?还是自费? 4. do you want to see a specialist or an ordinary doctor? 您要挂专家号还是普通号? 5. have you ever registered with dr. smith before? 你之前挂过史密斯医生的号吗? 6. do i o pay my registered fee here? 我需要在这里付挂号费吗? 7. do i ister again if i ask for a transfer? 如果我要求转科室的话需要再来挂号吗? 8. i'd like to get specialist treatment. 我想看专家门诊。 医生面前如实答 dialogue tony is seeing a doctor in a hospital. 托尼正在一家医院看病。 tony: good m, doctor. 托尼:早上好,医生。 dood m. what's the matter with you? 医生:早上好。你哪儿不舒服? tony: i'm suffering from insomnia. 托尼:我有失眠的症状。 doctor: how long have you been like this? 医生:这种情况有多久了? tony: more than a month. 托尼:一个多月了。 doctor: have you taken any medie? 医生:吃过药了吗? tony: i tried some sleeping pills, but they are of no effee. 托尼:试过安眠药,但是不起作用。 doctor: do you have a pain in the head? 医生:有头痛的情况吗? tony: sometimes. i feel exhausted and drowsy most of the time. 托尼:有时候有。我大部分时间都觉得非常疲倦,昏昏欲睡的。 doctor: let me take your blood pressure. you look anemic. 医生:让我量量你的血压。你看起来有点贫血。 (after taking tony's blood pressure) (医生量过托尼的血压后) doctor: well, there is nothing to worry about. you are just a little exhausted from overwork. 医生:嗯,没什么好担心的。你只不过是有点劳累过度。 tony: then what should i do? 托尼:那我该怎么做呢? doctor: i think you should get more rest. try to get outside and exercise more. remember not to strain yourself too much. 医生:我想你应该多休息休息,多到户外参加锻炼。记住不要再过度劳累了。 tony: ok, i'll do as you say. 托尼:好的,我会照你说的去做。 doctor: here is the prescription for you. i'm sure the medie will cure your insomnia. 医生:这是给你开的处方。我相信这药会治好你的失眠症。 tony: thank you very much, doctor. 托尼:太感