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   yysj (第20/20页)

om his parents, retives, friends, colleagues, lovers and whatsoever living creatures, including animals. Fully enjoying love from around me is what I always long for. Hoy and joyful I would be if I could have love everywhere in this p!

    Love quers everything in human’s world. The more civilized and developed a try is, the more love you will see in there. I saw many charity anizations in Singapore and ada, and I believe there must be many in other developed tries. There is, however, so few in a. Even though there are some simir anizations in a, I’m afraid they are not doing their jobs.

    The most popur case we  see in a is Leukemia. I have all along been donating moo those patients, since I was a student. I just feel that’s the only way I  use to help them.

    The other case is raised by baggers, who are wandering ireets all the time. They are everywhere iies. They are annoying sometimes, because they would even pull your pants to hold you back if you refuse to give them cashes. I pay more respect to those who would rather go colleg rubbishes at nights than being criminals to steal or rob, or it whatever bad things against the local citizens. Once a 80 over years old woman was seen lying on the side of a road. I saw her too, for several times. She seldom bagged for money, she wanted foods and clothes more than cashes. Each time I passed by, I would give her 10 Yuan, not for pitying her, but do what I could to be of help. She died oer. I was sad when I heard the news because I couldn’t imagine what kind of children she had would abandon their parents! She must be very sad and desperate when she left her home; she must be tough and strong to survive in such a big cold city alone for years; she must be thinking about something before her death; she must be…

    If there is another life for this wretched poor woman after her death, I hope she would have a much better life by then. May her soul rest in peace.

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