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   yysj (第18/20页)

e are more and more criticisms against the stimuting-export policies, especially the tax reimbursement policy. The tax reimbursement to exporters has aggravated the fiscal deficit of the tral gover. The gover has paid 125 billion RMB and 115 billion RMB for tax reimbursement. This appropriation was far from the amount incurred every year and up to the end of 2003, the tax reimbursement in arrears reached to 340 billion RMB ($41.06 billion). The profit margin rates of many exporters are below the reimbursement rate. As the default of payment accumuted year-by-year, some exporters have fallen into liquidity problem while waiting for the payment of tax reimbursement in arrears.

    So a should not be afraid to bee red in trade, like it has during many periods of greatness. If the dragon bees be red for years or even decades, the most foreseeable sequence is that RMB will be an iional currency. To support an iional currency, a should build ‘a stable macroeiviro, a market meism and a healthy banking system’ as ese Premier Wen Jiabao mentioned as the preditions for a revaluation of RMB. It is easy to say what’s good but it is difficult to identify the problems and solve them. When the growth is still enough to sustain the system, who will be brave enough to cut the mess behind the rise? a should not be afraid to bee red again.

    Make your fate in trol

    Fate is determined by character, and character is determined by knowledge, desire and habit. If a person wants to ge his fate, he has to ge his character first; and if he wants to ge his character, he has to ge his knowledge or his desires and habits. pining to other people or the enviros makes no sense.

    Actually, everybody in this world will know about the meaning of life. It’s just the matter of time. A worker, who had just lost his job, met a uy professor one day. He admitted that he didn’t love to study when he was a student. He just hated to study no matter what and how
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